Horse Crazy Kids Club
Live, Online Class for Horse-Lovers - Meet Once a Week
Service Description
If you are new to horses or just need more friends who love horses... this is the group for you! This is a discussion class for kids to talk to other horse crazy kids about all things horses under the guidance of a professional horse trainer. Learners come once a week for 45 minutes. The class is offered on various days and times. Here are some example summaries from previous class meetings: Example Class Summary 1: Today we started by sharing stories about our favorite horses. Then we looked at the riding schools and camps that some of the students go to. We looked at some GoPro footage to experience what it is like to ride a horse on a cross country course. We also looked at footage from a few other disciplines, including Shetland racing and equestrian vaulting. Example Class Summary 2: Today we had a guest speaker, Robyn Hauck, who owns a riding school in Corvallis, Oregon. We looked at some photos of Robyn’s horses. She had a horse with no eye on one side so we learned a bit about horses and eye infections. We also learned about founder, which is a painful condition that happens when the horse gets too much sugar. Robyn has a few Appaloosas so we learned a bit about the Appaloosa breed. We then watched some videos of Roman Riding, trick riding, and vaulting. We learned some of the steps that go into teaching a horse to do Roman Riding, starting at the beginning with ponying. We saw Emma Massingale, who does Roman Riding with no reins or saddle, and watched a preview of a project she does training Connemara ponies at liberty, with no fences or halters. Example Class Summary 3: Today we talked about a BLM Mustang who went to Pony Finals. His name is Mr. Popper. We also reviewed some footage from different riders in class. Vivienne and Lainey, thanks so much for sharing your videos! Lainey has bareback videos we can watch next time. It was so great that Sofia and Maya jumped in with questions at the end! Thanks for giving us some good material to chat about in class! Next week we are going to talk about buying or leasing a horse - what to do and what not to do. Bring videos to share! Before class, you can email or text your video to the teacher, or post it online and send a link. Videos can be 15 seconds to 5 minutes long. FAQ's Do I need to own a horse? Nope. We have a mix of students. Some students take weekly horse lessons. Some own horses. Some only get to ride a horse once a year on vacation.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
(541) 848-9573
64855 Collins Road, Bend, OR